Displaying Your Work Video
Stands, Supports, Hangers etc.
This is the PNWGlassGuild.org general meeting of June 22nd, 2021. It starts about 30 seconds into Fred Buxton’s talk (the recording didn’t start the first time Karen pushed it) so there’s a diagram of what you missed at the beginning. A link to the PDF of the diagram is below for logged-in members.
Here are the main speakers and links:
Fred Buxton
sponsor Roz Stanton She’ll also consider simple modifications of the metal stands she creates and sells.
Richard LaLonde Yes, you can get his books there.
sponsor Gerald McBride Contact him for custom wood stands
Mitzi Kugler
Karen Seymour
Schematic of Fred Buxton’s stand (log-in to see the link)
*Members, log in to view this info.*Video of meeting (log-in to see the link)
*Members, log in to view this info.*