Ask a question, place a Classifieds ad, publicize a glass-related event…
If you want us to ask the whole membership something glass-related, please use the “Classified Ad” form, tab #1.
Select the appropriate tab, fill in the blanks, and submit your form. Please make sure each photo is not larger than 1MB in file size. Paint (Windows) or Photos (Mac) come with your operating system and can resize your images. There is also a free online image resizer at
If you are looking for an artist to do custom work or for a particular piece of finished work you might also take a look in the Members’ Gallery
If you have something glass-related to sell or buy or are looking for an artist to do a repair or custom work,
please submit this form. We’ll publish your ad to our members within a day or two.
What you type in the first 2 boxes is automatically turned into the email that goes to the membership throughout the Pacific NW:
Include your nearest City and State in the ad! Redmond WA is different from Redmond OR.
Include how to contact you in the ad!
You must be a member of the Guild to submit events to our Public calendar.
MEMBERS: Log in to access the form to add your glass-related event to our calendar.
To get the Zoom link for a scheduled event, fill and submit this form. For most events a volunteer is monitoring this form during the event..
If you are having a technical problem with this website, such as a form not working, page doesn’t show, etc., please send email describing the problem and how to make it happen. Send Email to Web-help
Please fill out the form and someone will get back to you in a day or two. If you want us to ask the whole membership something, please use the “Classified Ad” form, tab #1.