Website Updates
The New Website Has Launched!
The new website will help tie together the wider Pacific NW region of glass enthusiasts, making it easier for you to find people in your area who share your passion.
The calendar shows a list view of all upcoming events, making it easy to scroll through to find things of interest to you throughout the region, including glass-related events submitted by members. To submit your show, class or event, log-in and use the form on the About > Contacts page.
You and the general public can scan through the Members’ Gallery to find artists and instructors in your area of interest. Clicking the artist brings up a page of up to 9 images and a short description of what they do. Participation in the Gallery is optional. For instructions, log in, and choose For Members > Website Help from the menu, scroll down to “Members’ Gallery”. OR try using the search feature on the home page by entering “Gallery Guide”.
If you’re participating in the virtual Gathering of the Guilds show which begins April 30th (see page 3 for details), be sure to upload your images here so we see YOU in the Members’ Gallery as well.
“1-Welcome to the Guild” at the top of Website Help has links to help with these and other membership benefits.