We’re pausing our member benefits series to cover the website in detail. It has a whole lot of resources for you if you learn where to look.
When you go to PNWGlassGuild.org you’ll see several short articles of things the editors consider timely and this menu bar:
If you are a member and click Login, after logging in you’ll see this menu (do you see the differences?):
As you’ll see in future articles in this series, being logged-in unlocks many things.
If you are not yet a member and therefore can’t Login we encourage you to join by pushing the “Join” tab so you can take advantage of the many benefits (your dues help us pay for the software that runs the website).
The bottom of each page
has links to upcoming events, links to the Guild’s public page on Facebook and to the members’ group. There is also a scrolling display of our sponsors logos to remind you to thank the community glass businesses which support the Guild and help make working in glass so much fun.
The Events are color coded. Push the “view calendar” to see the full description of the bar and left side colors plus the whole list of the year’s events. Colored bars are Guild events and white bars are member-submitted events. The colors on the left side indicate what kind of event: red are meetings, blue are Play Days and classes, green are shows, yellow are other.
The sidebars differ from page to page
Here’s the sidebar from the Home page if you are logged-in.
Subscribe: When you join the Guild you are automatically subscribed to the newsletter (and to the Tuesday Public News email announcements) so you don’t need to do it again. Having already subscribed before joining doesn’t mess things up.
Read the current issue is a quick way to get to to where you probably are now.
Search looks through all of the site’s pages and posts. It has the benefits and limitations you encounter on all those other websites: if you know exactly what you’re looking for you can usually find it.
If you lost a recent Tuesday Public News email, you can access the list from the side bar (and from the News and Events menu).
The Member News section is only visible if you are logged-in. It is the list of Classified, Guild News, and Guild Business (Board) emails that were sent out recently (these are also available from the For Members menu). You can change which of these 3 types of emails you receive by going to the For Members menu> My Account and choosing the Email Prefs tab (more info is in For Members>Website Help>Email: controlling what you get).
Events allows you to go looking through recent and upcoming events by type.
Next issue: What’s under “Glass”