Refract is Coming!

October 13-16 the Seattle area will again celebrate glass with Refract events at around 50 different venues across the 4 days
Make your plans now: The website is supposed to go live this week. In previous years tickets for things with limited capacity like the tour of the Chihuly boathouse have gone within hours. There will be some special deals at area hotels for out of town Refract attendees. Normally the Guild members in Seattle would offer our guest rooms but we’re going to be busy:

As part of Refract the PNW Glass Guild is sponsoring the studio tour and sale October 15-16 from 10am to 5pm. Come and meet most of the Seattle Guild members and see their work (we’re always looking for host studios in the north Seattle area so we can have more participants – if interested in hosting please contact Karen Seymour).

Member Lael Bennett discusses her glass with a studio tour visitor