If, like me, you never get around to taking images of your latest work because setting up the lights and backdrops is such a pain. Let’s do it together Saturday July 16th at 10am.
Bring some of your work and your camera or cell phone. I’ll set up some lights and backgrounds, and we can take pictures. Then we can look at the results and discuss fixes. At Karen Seymour’s (by the Zoo in Seattle). We’ll try to do a Zoom portion too (log in and see the event link for the Zoom). Contact Karen Seymour if you’re interested.
If you’re an experienced photographer, please think about attending and bringing along proper lights and tents so we have more set-ups and help for those who haven’t quite gotten there. Taking good images of glass can be tricky.
Play Days are member only events. Please join the Guild before attending.
If you feel at all un-well please Zoom with us instead of attending in-person — Many of us are at the age that Covid can be a major problem.