
Articles for Newsletters

What Would Happen If I did……..THIS….?

An experiment with glass powder

When we first start out in glass most of it seems somewhat simple and logical and sometimes changes in processes or firing seem minor when going off in a different direction. THAT is the problem! After a while, especially if you like experimenting and trying all kinds of ways to use glass, you can’t remember those specific minor changes in the process that sometimes create rather large differences in your outcomes.

Classes are wonderful in that they make you try something new. And they get you started in the right direction. But think about it, most of what you learn is just taking basic glass principles and trying different ways of doing things. In other words, you can play, experiment, fire higher, lower, faster, slower, with opal AND/OR transparents, different thicknesses and types of applications, and you can’t help but learn A LOT! Taking what you already know and expanding on it is so much fun. But you will want a way to remember what you did that turned out well (and hopefully also remember some things to NOT do again).

What you do will change over time (for most of us). Even for things you did a lot of at one time, it can be hard to remember those little details later that can make a difference in how well something turns out. Like how striking colors or reactive colors really work. What temps make that striker strike? Does it have pretty “in-between” tones you’d like get on purpose? What reactions do you like, or don’t like, so you can avoid those? How many different ways of applying powders or frits and using sheet glass can you try to see a huge number of design and texture possibilities in just in one color alone, or with reactivity? Experiment, experiment, experiment! Also remember that tack fuse and full fuse create two rather specific results, but what about all the possibilities in between those two? Different results can come from even small variances in temperature and/or time in the kiln! Remember to use extra left over space in your kiln to do those little experiments.

Have you tried playing with the 6mm rule? Stacking and making things sink and spread, having thin things shrink up on purpose (like how you make nice little balls). Intermix colored opals or transparents with clear, then stack and spread, or fire with support to get a thicker shape you can saw into slices. Once you start playing, the processes are almost limitless, but take good notes on the things you enjoy because each new process opens doors to learning even more and you will not only want to be able to repeat things but mix up the way you do things and still maintain control. Find some things you really enjoy and then you will also get more out of classes as a way to really understand what you are doing and expand your capabilities.

another experiment with powder

A test of progressively more firings on strikers

I highly recommend doing quick tests! Make them small enough you can store them easily but mark what you did on them plus the colors and be sure to take readable notes. It is really good to see the actual colors you get when you fire things, and also how they intermix. You don’t want any bad surprises in the middle of a beautiful piece, so know what colors do together. Try using both opals and transparents on some projects too, especially if you tend to usually go all one way or the other. Try comparing how different size frits melt at different temperatures.

I’ve taken a photo of several tests I have done. They don’t have to be perfect, sometimes a mistake will tell you a lot too! The red and yellow photo is of simple powder tests: comparing opal and transparents plus the red striker so it changes color at different stages of firing.

I fired the whole piece once – not real high – and then cut the top row off. I fired the rest again at the same temperature, so still not full fuse, but there is a change in the coloring and transparency. The bottom row will be used for a third firing at the same temp again, just to see how the added firings compare at the same temperature. Next I will do the same powder color in single firings at different higher temps and just compare all of them. It just increases the knowledge I have to control what I’m doing. Time and temp balances just take practice. Every project may be a bit different but you will develop a good feel for what the glass does in your kiln by running tests and experimenting. ALSO, put similar small pieces in different parts of your kiln in one firing to see if your kiln is firing evenly!

You may also put some colors together that you would not normally think to use and see how you like the results. Try some transparents over some opals and get some new colors and tones! The next two photos were samples I did some time ago just testing actual colors and I was thinking about sunrises or sunsets and seeing what might go together well. I also wanted to test if they might have a reaction I would not want.

The last test is one where I wasn’t paying attention and grabbed some opals when I was meaning to just do transparents, but even so I got some interesting results that would be perfectly fine in the right project! We all have scrap glass, especially clear, so save some squares and rectangles and make some quick easy samples to check actual colors or combos. Use other scrap to play with textures or stencils and see what happens. Small tests are both very affordable and fun. Most things can be used somewhere in a landscape or floral to add color and interest! Anyway, take time to play, be brave and experiment! You will enjoy it and you will LEARN more about glass and firing. And always remember to take good notes. It takes a few minutes but will pay off well in the long run! –Greta Schneider

General Meetings

Meetings are usually on the 4th Sunday of the month from 3:30 to 5:00 PM Pacific Time BUT November will be a week early because of Thanksgiving.

The October meeting video on Shipping, packing etc. is now available to members on the Glass>Education menu on page 2 under Shipping… Logged in Members can find links to the businesses the presenters mentioned at the meeting listed both with the video and on the new Resources page under the Glass menu. Some of the recent videos are unedited in order to make them available sooner. If someone wants to help their fellow members by editing them we’d really appreciate it, please contact our VPs to volunteer.

The election of new officers also happened at the meeting. The only new officer for 2025 will be Rose McBride as Secretary taking over from Becky Meinhart. We thank Becky for her work this year and we thank all the others for volunteering another year.

Sunday November 17 General Meeting via Zoom: Holiday Items and Shows

3:30 to 5:00 PM. Join us as we learn how different artists make holiday ornaments, cards and other holiday items. We would also like to hear what holiday shows you are participating in and why you picked those.

• Did you miss a recent meeting but wish you hadn’t? General meetings are open to everyone but to view the recordings under Glass>Education you have to join the Guild. Then you can log in to see them.

Rae Williamson makes about 150 ornaments for her caroling group each year. Here’s this year’s first batch.

December is for Holiday Parties

instead of General meetings. Mark your calendars now:

Dec. 7 at 5 pm Linda Gerrard will host a dinner in Beaverton OR (near Portland).

Dec. 15 at 11 am Karen Seymour will host a potluck brunch by the Zoo in Seattle WA

The holiday Party at Linda Gerrard’s in 2023

New Member Benefit: Resource List

There is a new Resources page under the Glass menu. We wanted a single place to pool the sources and services suggested at meetings etc. We decided to make it a member benefit* like the meeting videos so you need to log-in to see the list. It is for members to share sources of supplies and services so other members don’t have to search as hard.

Experienced glass folks: please give the newbies in your area a helping hand by adding to the list. Log-in and fill out the form at the bottom of the Resources page.

* (Your annual dues pay to maintain this website among other things. Come to the next board meeting or contact the president if you have ideas for other benefits we can offer our members).

Guild News

Website: There seems to be a problem with some people having the system auto-renew without being able to find the button to turn it off. We are working on a solution (changing from Square to Stripe for credit card processing of subscriptions) and hope to have it fixed within a week or two. If you have a problem in the meantime please contact the treasurer.

The Guild is made up of busy people like you. Help us help each other by volunteering a few hours a month:

Can you proof? We put out an issue of the newsletter every two months and we’re looking for another Newsletter editor to lead the team. You don’t need to write all the articles (Barb Kienle, Debbie Marchione, Karen Seymour, Greta Schneider, and Rae Williamson are currently also on the team) but you should have a sense of organizing the whole issue and making sure everything gets in without too many errors. Having a computer and some computer skills or being willing to learn is necessary. You need a word-processing level of skill but the work will be inside WordPress on our website instead of MS Word or whatever you use. You’ll need to attend board meetings on the occasional Monday or Tuesday evening every couple of months so you can report on any new developments there. Please contact the Newsletter Team for more info.

Want to make the website more cell friendly? Like troubleshooting? We know the layout is dated and more slanted toward desktop viewing. With the new theme switch we just went through we should be able to slowly modify things to make accessing the site’s features from a cell phone just as easy as on a desktop. We’re looking for a Website Team Lead who can report problems and solutions to the board and to the website maintenance contractor who does the heavy lifting on fixing problems and making back-end programming changes if needed. Knowing or being willing to learn a bit of WordPress is important, no programming is required. Helping create and/or revise help files so we don’t have to figure things out from scratch each time is also part of the job when you have some time. You don’t have to do it all yourself: Karen Seymour, Stephanie Johnston, Kate Nichlos, and Linda Roman manage various parts of the website. Please contact the Website Team for more info.

Want to be the first to know about glass events? The website team needs a new Event Coordinator to add events from the member submitted form and other sources to the guild’s website calendar and emails. Having a computer and some copy-writing and editing skills would be good. Debbie Marchione who has been doing it has to focus on other things for a while. Please contact the Website Team for more info.

Photos From Member Glass Events

We had lots of events in the past two months:

Portland Open Studios in September (photos thanks to Stephanie Johnston)

Margie Reiff with host Lyn Kennison (Lesley Kelly‘s art on left).

Lyn Kennison’s display with helper

Linda Gerrard and Diane Muhly shared Linda’s display space

Carlyne Lynch hosted Greta Schneider and Daryle Ryder at her studio. She also had tents outside where she was helping attendees make some quick fusing projects.

Just a bit of Roz Cooper’s varied display

Barb Kienle demonstrated some tools

Shawna Hovey was also at Barb’s house

Suzanne Tyler had a nice demo of glass working materials and tools in addition to her art display.

Glass And Decor Studio tour in October (thank you to all who sent photos):

Indoors at Karen Seymour’s with guests Andi Ficker, Lael Bennett, Lorina Shaufler and Michael Dupille. The 2 minute video tour of the whole display is here

Lael Bennett’s work at Karen Seymour’s site (her “table” is 35 boxes of books from Karen’s damaged room: glad Lael is adaptable)

Sandy Spear at her host blacksmith Dave Fasolt’s studio

A small part Angie Heinrich’s display.
Click the above image for the very short video tour of her Zetamari studio and guests.

David Smith demoed blowing into odd things again. His Blowing Sands studio is having a holiday show Dec. 7th.

Stephanie Johnston drove up from The Dalles to display her work at host Dave Fasoldt’s blacksmith studio. She had large bright flowers all over the yard.

Debbie Marchione’s borrowed tent blew over the wall behind on Sunday. Only 1 piece was broken. Host potter Jo Reid and other artists made room for her to re-set up her work inside the garage.
Here’s a video of the whole site.

Margie’s Garden Fall Market in October (thank you Carlyne Lynch and Lesley Kelly for photos)

There was a coordinated glass presence with 9 members (Carlyne Lynch, Kory Dollar, Barb Kienle, Shawna Hovey, Daryle Ryder, Lesley Kelly, Lyn Kennison, and Rose and Gerald McBride) taking part. Look for similar coordinated event opportunities in the coming year.

Portland’s annual LOCAL 14 show photos from Greta Schneider and Cheryl Chapman (Thanks!)

Guild Sponsored Class

Linda Gerrard organized the first post-covid Guild sponsored class. Eight members attended the landscape class taught by Arizona artist Nadine Booth and had a good time. Check with Linda Gerrard for tips on organizing a guild-sponsored class with an instructor you want to take a class from.

Yes those are torches.

Please send us photos of your glass events:

Having a photo makes it so much easier to invite people to participate in an event next year. If you are part of or go to a glass event please take some photos and send the best 2 to the Newsletter team (400 to 600 px or “medium” resolution, about 500 KB, not more than 1MB if you can help it).

Coming Glass Events

General meetings in 2024 are via Zoom, usually on the 4th Sunday of most months, at 3:30 pm (not April, July, August, or December).

Contact our VPs if you have suggestions for future topics. You don’t need to be a member to attend our General Meetings but we would love to have you join. Videos of many meetings are available to members by choosing Glass>Education from the menu.

Logged in members can submit their events under
About> Contact Us, Submit Calendar Event tab

Winter 2024:

(Guild sponsored events are in bold)

8-10 Best of the NW show, Seattle
9 Terri Johanson candle-holder class, Hamilton MT
11 Board Meeting, via Zoom
15-16 NACC Christmas Bazaar, Albany OR
16-17 Washougal WA Studio Artists Tour (across the Columbia from Portland)
17 General Meeting via Zoom
22-23 COMAG Annual Show, Bend OR

6-7 OSU Holiday Marketplace, Corvalis OR
7 NW Garden Bling Holiday Open House in Concrete WA (east of Burlington)
7 Guild Holiday Party Beaverton OR (near Portland)
7-8 Holiday Sale: David Smith’s Blowing Sands Studio in Seattle
14 Locovore Holiday Gift Faire, Bend OR
15 Guild Holiday Brunch in Seattle WA

26 General Meeting topic TBA: Send suggestions to VP Barb Kienle

Sponsor NW Art Glass in Redmond WA (East of Seattle) isn’t having a holiday event as such but they will be open on Saturdays 10 am to 2:30 pm from now till at least December 21st in addition to their usual Tues. through Fri. 10 am to 3:30 pm. Phone for appointment 425-861-9600
They are in the process of expanding and have already increased the number of pre-cut glass bins (see photo).

Looking Ahead: Volunteers needed NOW

Our glass events don’t happen spontaneously: it takes organizing and prep. Give a little time and energy, get a lot more fun, glass info and sense of community.

Just a few hours a month helping one of the teams with the many ongoing, easily-leaned tasks will be greatly appreciated.
For more info contact: Newsletter/publicity team, Website team, Sponsorship team,

Portland/Vancouver area Vendor Fair Team is looking for a volunteer to start organizing now for next year. Contact Stephanie Johnston, sponsorship team lead.

Gathering of the Guilds (GOTG) will need volunteers before the April 25-27 event. Contact Lesley Kelly

Featured Sponsor: Northwest Garden Bling

Concrete, WA

Northwest Garden Bling, our newest sponsor, is a unique glass studio featuring stained glass and mosaic. Nestled in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains they have been serving glass artists in the NW corner of Washington State for over eighteen years. They offer a full line of glass, tools, supplies and classes in a fun, happy atmosphere.

You are invited to their holiday open house December 7th from 10 am to about 2 pm: “This is our annual customer appreciation day and open house. This year we are inviting other local vendors to join in the fun! We’ll have some light refreshments and general good cheer, some special sales and possibly a door prize or two. Please plan to join us for this annual event.”

They also host an annual “Mosaic Challenge” each year beginning in February & culminating the week of Mother’s Day with a juried showing of the mosaics. Lots of great mosaics and fun for all, entrants and viewers. Follow their Facebook page to get the notice about next year’s challenge specifics.

Owner Athena Hornsby and one of her recent students

They carry stained glass, fusible glass, murine, tiles of all sorts and shapes, tools, various glues,

even custom eyes

The Girl Scouts made ornaments this year

Finished trees from another class

“We have so much fun here. It’s hard to describe. Not only do we do glass classes and workshops but beading and fabric classes too. Local guest instructors add to the fun environment. So many wonderful pieces have left this shop and so many people have been inspired to continue in their art by coming here. I’m proud to be part of my community and the glass community.”

Thanks to our Sponsors!

These companies and organizations are an integral part of the glass art community. We thank our Sponsors for supporting our Guild through either generous donations or by offering discounts to our Members. Please take time to thank them for their generosity when you visit their businesses.

Gold Level Sponsors

Silver Level Sponsors

Artifex Toolworks – Glass Alchemy – HIS Glass Works

2024: September Issue

Upcoming events:

(Bolded events are Guild sponsored)

14-15 Open Studios Glass Art Tour: Portland area
21 Tacoma (WA) Museum of Glass Gala
21-22 Edmonds Art Studio Tour, Edmonds WA
29 General Meeting via Zoom/In person, Portland

4-5 Glass at Margie’s Fall Market, Aurora OR
4-6 Local 14 Show Portland OR
5 Issaquah Salmon Days, Issaquah WA
17-20 Refract Glass Celebration, greater Seattle area
19-20 Glass And Decor Studio Tour, Seattle
19-20 Washington County Studio Tour, Portland area
27 General Meeting via Zoom

2-3 Clark Co. Studio Tour Vancouver WA area
8-10 Best of the NW show, Seattle
17 General Meeting via Zoom

Guild Holiday Parties: various dates, places

Members can log in and submit their events by clicking About>Contact Us, and filling out the Submit Calendar Event form


  • Featured Artists: Kirk Casey, Daryle Ryder
  • President’s Message
  • Board of Directors
  • Welcome to our Newest Members
  • Studio Tours in Portland & Seattle
  • Glass at Margie’s Garden Fall Market
  • Have You Tried Waterjet Cut Glass?
  • Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network
  • Bullseye’s KilnSpace
  • General Meetings
  • Why Join the Guild?
  • Guild News
  • PNW Glass Events, past & future
  • Featured Sponsor: Glass Expressions
  • Thanks to All Our Sponsors

Read the whole issue on the website:

(If you’ve just clicked the link and are seeing this page again, scroll down)

Featured Artist: Kirk Casey, Shelton WA

My initial introduction to glass began in 1975-1977 (blown glass) when I studied under Herb Babcock at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit. I was a commercial photography major with a blown glass minor at this fledgling design school. Following this early interest in glass, my studies and career took me in the direction of medicine, from which I ultimately retired after a 25-year career.

Following my departure from medicine, my life became way more interesting when I met Fred Buxton here in Washington. He was my initial fused glass instructor (along with Bullseye online classes) and I remember my first piece of fused glass as a closeup Ahi (tuna) eye. Fred was very encouraging…and I was hooked.

Currently, I am the owner of Enso Art Glass LLC, located in Shelton WA. I’m fortunate to have a 1,000 square foot dedicated studio where I create flat and vessel shaped glass, mostly in larger formats. Based on my previous knowledge of chemistry, most of my work focuses on reactive glass and laboratory grade powdered metals creating new reactive effects.

Most recently, I’ve been experimenting in the use of an airbrush to deposit the powdered metals and Bullseye powder on reactive glass before firing. I’m constantly reading and exploring how I can use products from outside of the glass world to meet my needs, thus experimenting with an airbrush.

I feel strongly that light is an integral part of glass art, and I’ve been experimenting with edge lighting my glass (transillumination) using LED strip lighting. I just completed a 12” x 22” aquarium panel that comes alive at night utilizing LED edge lighting.

I am currently looking for students to share some of these techniques and for us to create together. Please contact me for details. More of my work can be seen in the Members’ Gallery.

Featured Artist: Daryle Ryder, Salem OR

Daryle Ryder at Gathering of the Guilds 2024

I started working in stained glass in the early 1980’s. I enjoyed doing hobby pieces for fun and gifts. While living in Wallowa, Oregon I opened a studio in my house, participating in local shows and doing some commissioned pieces for installation in private homes.

In about 1995, I took a class in Portland on fusing and got hooked. It wasn’t long before I found a used kiln to purchase. Through many experiments, I learned a lot about fusing, including many things not to do again. In 2002, I moved the Eugene area where I became involved with Eugene Glass School. I took classes from a variety of instructors and got involved with a vibrant glass community. There was a lot going on: shows, classes, and others to work with. The year 2013 took me to Astoria to help my dad, resulting in somewhat of a break from glass work.

After my father’s passing and a divorce, I landed in Salem. I have set up a studio here at my house giving an occasional beginner class and the last 3 summers participating in Saturday Markets in Salem, Silverton, and Astoria. I just wrapped up my second season at The Oregon Garden “Art in the Garden” and will be participating in a number of holiday shows. It has been great to get to know other glass artists in the PNWGG. I was looking for other artists to work with, learn from, and be challenged by.

I’m looking forward to getting to know others and becoming more involved in a variety of things. This last spring I participated in Gathering of the Guilds and volunteered as I could. As part of showing at Saturday Markets, I made a lot of garden stakes of various sizes, wind chimes, and a variety of garden oriented items. I am interested in trying new things and being challenged by new projects. Come say hello to me at Carlyne Lynch’s studio #1 on the Open Studios Glass Art Tour September 14-15!

President’s Message

September 2024

Hi everyone,

Welcome to September and the beginning of fall, despite the temperatures here in the Northwest. We have a jam-packed event schedule this month and next to sharpen your glass skills, broaden your knowledge, and provide a way to meet other glass artists and view their work. Please check the event calendar on the website for all the details, but here is just a taste of what’s on the schedule:

President Lesley Kelly

Just a reminder – please check the upcoming events calendar for December and schedule in the Guild’s Christmas parties at your location!

Have a wonderful fall,

2024 Board of Directors

We are looking for members to shadow board members and/or join the various teams in the upcoming year. This will aid in a smoother transition as new board members step up in the future. It also gives you a chance to see behind the scenes and what it takes to keep the Guild engaging and relevant in your glass journey. Reach out to president Lesley Kelly to volunteer or if you have any questions.

Welcome to our Newest Members

Please take time to reach out and connect…even if you don’t live in the same area. The wonders of technology bring us all just a few clicks away. Members can find contact info for these folks and other members if you log in to and go to “For Members” (which only appears when logged in) and choose Member Contacts List.

Lowell Davis, Hillsboro OR
Patty Henry, Seattle WA
Andrew Jagels, Portland OR
Nancy Kandra, Aumsville OR
Brian McCoy, Olympia WA

Melinda Negri, Houston TX
Teri Sokoloff, Sweet Home OR
Melanie Stewart, Poulsbo WA
Rachel Stilson, Seattle WA
Anne Wenzinger, Concrete WA

Two PNWGG Fall Studio Tours

September 14-15, 10 am to 5 pm
Portland Area Open Studios Glass Art Tour and Sale

See the flyer for all the fun things happening at each studio (or pick one up at any studio).

Flyer download

1) Carlyne Lynch
6890 Molalla Bend Rd, Wilsonville
Guests: 2) Greta Schneider, 3) Daryle Ryder
Make a free glass ornament, please contact Carlyne for an appointment. 3 prize drawings as well as participating in the Guild drawing

4) Linda Gerrard
8400 SW Maverick Terr., Beaverton
Guest: 5) Dianne Muhly
4 prize drawings as well as the Guild drawing

6) Rosalind Cooper
14795 SW Kilchis St, Beaverton
A prize drawing as well as the Guild drawing

7) Suzanne Tyler
16541 NW Avondale Dr, Beaverton
A prize drawing as well as the Guild drawing

8) Barbara Kienle
4331 SE Brooklyn St, Portland
Guest: 9) Shawna Hovey
2 prize drawings as well as the Guild drawing

10) Lyn Kennison
6644 NE 22 Ave, Portland
Guests: 11) Margie Rieff, 12) Lesley Kelly
A prize drawing as well as the Guild drawing

Get the flyer form signed by at least 6 artists from at least 3 different studios and you will be entered to win a PNW Glass Guild drawing to win a $100 gift certificate towards a purchase from a participating artist, or to spend at Bullseye.

Drop off the signed flyer at the last site you visit. We’ll do the drawing about a week after the tour, after we’ve gathered all the forms. Contact Linda Gerrard if you have questions.

October 19-20, 10 am to 5 pm
Seattle’s Glass And Decor Studio Tour and Sale

The PNW Glass Guild is sponsoring this studio tour and sale of art for your home. All sites have at least one glass artist and most have demos of some sort. Guild members Lael Bennett (at site #2), Angie Heinrich (#5), Stephanie Johnston (#3), Debbie Marchione (#6), Karen Seymour (#2), David Smith (#4), and Sandy Spear (#3), would love to have you stop by and talk glass.

See for map and more info. This event is part of Refract, Seattle’s area-wide glass celebration October 17-20.

Glass at Margie’s Farm and Garden Fall Market

October 4-5: Friday 10am to 4pm & Saturday 9am to 3pm

The Guild has six 12’x12′ booth spaces in the retail greenhouse reserved for our glass artists at Margie’s Farm and Garden‘s Fall Market. Margie’s is at 12844 Arndt Rd NE, Aurora, OR 97002. There will be over 50 vendors at this free event. There is plenty of free parking. Get some glass friends together and share a booth. There are only 2 booths left: $110 for a 12′ x 12′ space. The Guild booths are indoors so you don’t need a tent! See the event listing for more details. To share a booth or if you have questions please contact Carlyne Lynch. Keep an eye out for similar opportunities at event locations near you!

Here’s what Margie’s Summer Market looked like when Carlyne Lynch and Rose McBride did it this year:

Have You Tried Waterjet Cutting Glass?

Waterjet equipment directs a high-pressure jet of water and abrasive to cut materials such as glass. This process offers a cost-effective solution to repetitive and high-volume production of small or complicated shapes.

Having your glass cut by waterjet can be an ideal way to get bases for Christmas ornaments or other custom shapes that would be very difficult and time-consuming, if not impossible, to cut on your own, even with a ring saw. If you do a lot of holiday pieces or need things for a class, having multiple, ready-to-work-on base shapes can really save you time and effort. Also, ring saws wear out and can be expensive to replace, so that is something to consider along with having most of the hard work done for you.

You provide the waterjet company with the design (in an electronic format like a pdf) as well as the glass you wish to use. Designs can be symmetrical or asymmetrical and can be flipped to make a mirror image. There are several computer programs that will help you design a whole sheet (see Carlyne Lynch’s example below) or you can do it as a “one-off”. Due to the precise nature of waterjet cutting, you can put your designs very close together to maximize the use of the glass. You can also ask them to drill holes.

There are a variety of waterjet companies in Oregon and Washington that provide glass cutting services (we’re working on a list).  The cost and time it takes will vary. You are charged basically for production TIME. When they set up your designs and make up the whole sheet layout for you, that is time spent. More intricate cutting work takes more time so it costs more. If you have very smooth areas they obviously cut more quickly than detailed zig zag cuts. Your designs should also not go into the raw ripple edge of glass. Bullseye’s Tekta works especially well if you need a smoother more consistent surface but you can always fire regular glass just enough to smooth the surface if that is needed.

At the Portland Guild picnic Carlyne showed off her first set of ornaments. She fired to 1350 and thinks if she held longer at that temperature they would have fused better and still held their shape. 

Guild member Carlyne Lynch has worked with Portland Waterjet and created seven designs, with 58 pieces possible from a single 24”x24” piece of Tetka. The shapes can be made into ornaments, but they are also great suncatchers and have many uses. The designs are a heart, star, circle, stocking and three hard-to cut-items. They have been designed with holes and rounded ends to make them less brittle. Guild members can contact Carlyne if you would like the design to use at your local waterjet service.

Portland Waterjet already has this design and they will cut the sheet for $107, but you must purchase the glass separately. They can pick up your (paid for) piece of glass at the nearby Portland Bullseye location to save you a trip! Or you can deliver your own glass to them. If you want to try it call them at 202-476-9939 and ask for Niko. Let him know if you have glass waiting at Bullseye and if you are using Carlyne Lynch’s ornament design for the PNW Glass Guild or your own design.

Here are some examples of waterjet cut shapes that members have created:

Greta Schneider uses this cat shape a lot. She decided to use the 24 x 24 tekta and do two sizes of cats. Because it seems much more efficient and safe to use smoother rather than very jagged lines, she smoothed out the cat’s outline except between the tail and body. With a grinder, she can easily add the small edge cuts around the outside to make the fur look more realistic and also give each one some uniqueness. She used white glass for these in order to enamel them. For a more 3D effect she can add cheeks, eyes and/or paws.

Greta Schneider’s cat shapes
Mitzi Kugler’s animal shapes

Mitzi Kugler asked Portland Waterjet to make a variety of different shapes, as you can see in the photos. The elk, bear and wolves are done partly in metallic glass, which will compliment the metal frames she makes herself, plus some pretty glass trees that could be used in a variety of ways.

Mitzi Kugler’s trees

How can this technique help you bring some of your glass ideas into reality? Get more info at the next General meeting: Sunday, September 29, from 3:30 – 5:00 pm, come to Portland Waterjet (or attend by Zoom). See the Event Listing for more details.

Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) – Connecting Artists Across the Kitsap Peninsula of Washington  

Founded in 2012 on Bainbridge Island as a nonprofit organization with a mission “to grow and inspire a creative community through craft, learning, and service”, the Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) has served as a vital resource for hundreds of artists across Washington’s Kitsap Peninsula and beyond since it opened its doors in 2017. With 10 studios and gathering spaces spread across 25,000 square feet, it is one of the largest art centers of its kind in the Pacific Northwest.

At 1,000 square feet, the Glass Arts Studio is one of original studios and one of its most active, offering fused, stained, mosaic, and torchwork classes; mentoring, equipment, and material to local artists. The Studio features three kilns, including a vitrigraph kiln, a full wet room with equipment, a wide range of glass working tools, and a stock of Northwest Art Glass for purchase on-site.

One of the unique aspects of BARN is that all of the studios are governed by volunteers, who meet to develop programming and serve as studio monitors and instructors. This creates a strong sense of community and mutual respect and support. According to Glass Lead Cynthia Jacobs, “Many people who have studios and kilns at home still come to BARN. They love the community they find here. People become friends.”

Being an artist can be isolating, and BARN offers opportunities for sharing ideas and inspiration, learning new skills, and even showing and selling work, through their quarterly exhibitions and the bi-annual BARN Bazaar in May and November. The Glass Arts Studio also organizes a quarterly social gathering for members, often featuring an artist or topic of interest in the glass world. Last fall, Portland glass artist Nathan Sandberg was in residence at BARN, offering classes and inspiration. Thanks to the multiple studios, glass artists also have the opportunity to collaborate with artists working in other disciplines as well, such as wood, fiber, or metal.

But BARN isn’t just for existing artists. Open to the community, BARN offers a wide variety of classes for adults and teens, offering financial assistance and other efforts to ensure accessibility. Summer Teen classes such as stained glass are extremely popular, providing an introduction to the medium to the next generation of glass artists.

If you live near Bainbridge Island, take a free tour of BARN on Wednesdays or Sundays, or sign up for Open Studio time or one of their many classes. (There is a free Orientation required before you can register for Open Studio). They are also always looking for volunteers as studio monitors or instructors. BARN’s Glass Studio will also participate this year in REFRACT on October 19, offering demonstrations, an exhibit of BARN member glass art, and a community project. Click here for more information about how to be part of the BARN exhibition during REFRACT.

Bullseye Glass announces KilnSpace – A New Resource for Finding a Kiln Near You

Are you an aspiring fused glass artist, but are not ready to purchase a kiln yet, or don’t have room for one? Or perhaps you work in stained glass or mosaic, and only need a kiln to fuse pieces once in a while. Or maybe you have a kiln, but it’s not big enough for a project you want to tackle. Alternatively, do you have a kiln that you would be willing to rent out to another glass artist, to bring in some extra cash?

The new KilnSpace community may be just what you need. Sponsored by Bullseye Glass, KilnSpace is an online community resource that allows you to find and connect to someone needing or renting space in a kiln in your area. It’s free and easy to register to be part of the KilnSpace community.

General Meetings

Usually on the 4th Sunday of the month from 3:30 to 5:00 PM Pacific Time

Sunday Sept. 29th, in-person at Portland Waterjet and on Zoom

Join us from 3:30-5:00 pm at Portland Waterjet. This will be a in-person event PLUS a live Zoom to remote members! We will be going to Portland Water Jet (one block from Bullseye Glass) in Portland. The address is 3383 SE 21st Street, Portland, Oregon. They are normally closed on Sunday and will open JUST for our Guild’s meeting! Log in and then see the event listing for the Zoom link

Waterjet cutting offers a cost-effective solution to repetitive and high-volume production glass projects like materials for classes or wholesale work. As mentioned in the newsletter article on waterjetting above, Carlyne Lynch has created a file for some intricate ornaments Guild members can take to your local waterjet service to try it out (they even have the holes drilled for a ribbon). Contact her for more info.

Sunday October 27 via Zoom: Packing, Shipping etc.

3:30 to 5:00 PM.

Join us to hear how different glass artists pack and ship their glass safely. This will be especially timely with the holiday season approaching. We will also be discussing different ways members label their art with care tags, price tags and all those other inclusions that make you seem more professional. Come learn and share your own techniques.

This will also be our Annual Meeting for election of officers. More information will be provided as we get closer.

Sunday November 17 via Zoom: Holiday Items and Shows

3:30 to 5:00 PM.

Join us as we learn how different artists make holiday ornaments, cards and other holiday items. We would also like to hear what holiday shows you are participating in and why you picked those.

December is for Holiday Parties:

Mark your calendars now
Dec. 7 at 5 pm Linda Gerrard will host in Beaverton OR (near Portland)
Dec. 15 at 11 am Karen Seymour will host a potluck brunch in Seattle WA

What about your glass-related business or you personally?
Sponsors and member businesses: Does your shop hold a holiday party you’d like to invite Guild members to attend along with your regulars?
Or would you like to host a Guild specific party?
Let the newsletter know and we’ll print the info. in our November issue.

• Did you miss a recent meeting but wish you hadn’t? General meetings are open to everyone but to view the recordings under Glass>Education you have to join the Guild. Then you can log in to see them.

Some of the recent videos are unedited in order to make them available sooner. If someone wants to help their fellow members by editing them we’d really appreciate it, please contact our VPs to volunteer.