Pacific NW Glass Events, Past & Future
• The Flash Play Day is covered in an article above. Please consider hosting a Play Day yourself.
• The November General Meeting on Kids Projects has been uploaded to the Glass>Education section for logged in members to see as is mentioned in the “General Meetings” article above.
• The Holiday Parties were lots of fun:

The dinner party at Linda Gerrard’s contemplates the gifts for the game.

The brunch gathering at Karen Seymour’s was waiting for the last guests to arrive (after they did we were so busy eating and talking that we forgot to take any more photos).

The afternoon party at our sponsor Melt Glass Art Supply in deep discussion.
• Several members were in or attended shows, two sent photos:

Roz Cooper at the Elsie Stuhr Center’s Holiday Bazaar (Thanks Bill Cooper)

Gail Haskett at the Hockinson Holiday Bazaar (Thanks Kate Nichols)
Please send us photos of your glass events!
Having a photo makes it so much easier to invite people to participate in an event next year. If you are part of or go to a glass event please take some photos and send the best 2 to the publicity team (400 to 600 px or “medium” resolution, about 500 KB, not more than 1MB if you can help it).
Future events
The Gathering of the Guilds show (GOTG) in Portland April 19-21 will take much of the Guild’s energy between now and then as previously mentioned
• See last year’s event writeup for photos.
• See Registration info. Booth sales will start Saturday January 20th at 9am.
• Please consider volunteering to help with the show!
If you’ve never been to The Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood, Washington, get on the list for notification of the spring tour (May 1-4). Tickets go on sale in February: they go fast for a reason.

• One Wednesday a month, starting with Feb 21st at 7pm, an in person troubleshooting and discussion group “Sherlocking” will revive the pre-Covid Portland discussion for members wanting to troubleshoot their glass pieces and techniques.
• Seattle is reviving the Glass etc. potluck brunch at Karen Seymour’s every couple of months. Feb 4th is the next one. Anyone interested in glass is welcome.
General meetings in 2024 are via Zoom, usually on the 4th Sunday of most months, at 3:30 pm.
Contact our VP if you have suggestions for future topics. You don’t need to be a member to attend our General Meetings but we would love to have you join.
Winter Events:
Logged in members can submit their events under About> Contact Us, Submit Calendar Event tab
(Guild sponsored events are in bold)
15 Guild Board Meeting via Zoom
21 CANCELED Open House for Members (Fairview OR)
28 Guild General Meeting Via Zoom
4 Glass etc. potluck brunch (Seattle WA)
5 Guild Board Meeting via Zoom
10 HeARTfest show and sale (Camas WA)
14-18 NW Flower & Garden Show (Seattle WA)
21 Sherlocking Play Day (NE Portland OR)
25 Guild General Meeting via Zoom
19-21 Gathering of the Guilds Portland OR
27-28 Art In Bloom garden art studio tour and sale Seattle WA
1-4 Pilchuck Spring tour * tickets sell out in February
11 Vendor Fair Redmond WA (near Seattle)