Exploring Your Member Benefits, Part 2:
The Members’ Gallery
There are 3 pages of Members in our Gallery already. On the top menu it’s Glass>Members’ Gallery

The Members’ Gallery serves several purposes, among them are:
- Introducing members to each other.
- Showing off the range of member work to potential new members.
- Showing member websites to people looking for art, custom work, mentors, or instructors in their area.
To be listed in the Gallery you need to do 3 things:
1) upload a background image, which can be anything from a closeup to a montage of your work. (Please save any text or logos for your profile page)
2) Add a small headshot (200 px) to help us link your appearance to your name and work: we will eventually get back to in-person events.
3) Click yes on the “Show My Profile in the Members’ Gallery” in your account settings
Optionally (and we strongly encourage you to do it) you can a few sentences and up to 9 images on your profile page. This is the page you go to if you click on the member’s image in the Gallery. You can see/add info about each image on your profile page by clicking on it. PLEASE size these images properly or your page will take forever to load.
For more detailed instructions log on and see the website help page Members Gallery: adding your work.