Holiday Poem – December 2020
Sharon Dunham (to the tune of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”)
It’s the most unusual kind of a year,
Because Covid’s the reason, it’s altered this season but still there’s good cheer,
It’s the most unusual time for this year!
It’s the happ – happiest season of all,
Our guild holiday party, for which I was tardy, was fun for us all
It’s the most diff-er-ent party of all.
There were glass gifts for stealing, the wheeling and dealing
Confusion turned in to a show
Of the snowflakes and earrings, a green plate appealing
But wait, where did it go?
It’s a most wonderful time of the year
We should all be together next year when it’s better to celebrate near
It’s a most wonderful time of the year.
There was much gift exchanging, the offerings ranging
From mushrooms, a clock and a tool,
A penguin, a vase and the usual race to steal
The hummingbird feeder so cool!
It’s the most unusual season by far
With our virtual meetings, Zoom holiday greetings, no way will it mar
Next year’s chance to see all of you, near and far!
Happy Holidays, however you may have spent them.
Stay safe, stay well ‘til we meet again in 2021
Love from Sharon Dunham, your guild bard since 2007!