General Meetings

Usually on the 4th Sunday of the month from 3:30 to 5:00 PM Pacific Time

Sunday Sept. 29th, in-person at Portland Waterjet and on Zoom

Join us from 3:30-5:00 pm at Portland Waterjet. This will be a in-person event PLUS a live Zoom to remote members! We will be going to Portland Water Jet (one block from Bullseye Glass) in Portland. The address is 3383 SE 21st Street, Portland, Oregon. They are normally closed on Sunday and will open JUST for our Guild’s meeting! Log in and then see the event listing for the Zoom link

Waterjet cutting offers a cost-effective solution to repetitive and high-volume production glass projects like materials for classes or wholesale work. As mentioned in the newsletter article on waterjetting above, Carlyne Lynch has created a file for some intricate ornaments Guild members can take to your local waterjet service to try it out (they even have the holes drilled for a ribbon). Contact her for more info.

Sunday October 27 via Zoom: Packing, Shipping etc.

3:30 to 5:00 PM.

Join us to hear how different glass artists pack and ship their glass safely. This will be especially timely with the holiday season approaching. We will also be discussing different ways members label their art with care tags, price tags and all those other inclusions that make you seem more professional. Come learn and share your own techniques.

This will also be our Annual Meeting for election of officers. More information will be provided as we get closer.

Sunday November 17 via Zoom: Holiday Items and Shows

3:30 to 5:00 PM.

Join us as we learn how different artists make holiday ornaments, cards and other holiday items. We would also like to hear what holiday shows you are participating in and why you picked those.

December is for Holiday Parties:

Mark your calendars now
Dec. 7 at 5 pm Linda Gerrard will host in Beaverton OR (near Portland)
Dec. 15 at 11 am Karen Seymour will host a potluck brunch in Seattle WA

What about your glass-related business or you personally?
Sponsors and member businesses: Does your shop hold a holiday party you’d like to invite Guild members to attend along with your regulars?
Or would you like to host a Guild specific party?
Let the newsletter know and we’ll print the info. in our November issue.

• Did you miss a recent meeting but wish you hadn’t? General meetings are open to everyone but to view the recordings under Glass>Education you have to join the Guild. Then you can log in to see them.

Some of the recent videos are unedited in order to make them available sooner. If someone wants to help their fellow members by editing them we’d really appreciate it, please contact our VPs to volunteer.