General Meetings: Usually 4th Sunday 3:30 pm via Zoom

• The March 24th meeting has been postponed until May and will discuss kiln carving. Come and learn more, or bring samples of your own kiln-carved works and techniques to share! Contact our VPs Barbara Kienle and Carlyne Lynch to get on the speakers list or if you have an idea for a future meeting topic.

• Did you miss a recent meeting but wish you hadn’t?General meetings are open to everyone but you have to join the Guild and log in to view the videos:

Unedited videos of the January meeting on Enamels and the February meeting on how to use your Scrap are now posted. There are also many other meeting videos under Glass>Education.

Some of the recent videos are unedited in order to make them available sooner. If someone wants to help their fellow members by editing them we’d really appreciate it, please contact our VPs to volunteer.

Kiln carved example from Rae Williamson

Looking Ahead to Summer Picnics:

In July and August our General Meetings on Zoom are replaced by in-person potluck picnics. Members, spouses, friends and anyone else interested in discussing glass is welcome. Some picnics will also have a mold exchange. Mark your calendar now to attend at least one (and send us photos!):

Last summer at Gail Haskett’s

July 14, Keyport WA (Kitsap Peninsula, west of Seattle) hosted by Fred Buxton
July 28, Seattle, WA hosted by Karen Seymour –2fer: the Bellevue Art Museum Fair is all weekend
August 4, Turner OR (S of Salem) hosted by Rose and Gerald McBride
August 10, Battle Ground WA (N of Vancouver WA) hosted by Gail Haskett
August 24, Fairview OR (E Portland) hosted by Margie Reiff