Gathering of the Guilds Update:

Please join us for the annual Gathering of the Guilds show and sale at the Oregon Convention Center in-person in Portland, Oregon, on May 6-8, 2022. This long running annual show is a celebration of NW craft work of all sorts. Come see artists from all 6 guilds:

  • The Pacific Northwest Glass Guild
  • The Oregon Potters Association
  • The Creative Metal Arts Guild
  • The Guild of Oregon Woodworkers
  • The Portland Bead Society
  • The Portland Handweavers Guild.

Admission is free to the public. Volunteers have even more fun: if you can spare 4 hours to make new glass friends, please fill out the volunteer form.

GotG 2017
Gathering of the Guild in 2017 when we were still the Oregon Glass Guild

Want to show and sell your work to all these people? Deadline to buy a booth is March 15th

Traditionally this show has had an attendance of about 20,000 attendees over the course of the three days of the show. The number of inquiries that the media and the guilds have had over the last few months about the show returning indicates that there many people wanting to attend.

For members who are new to selling their work the Group Booth for $125 is a great deal. Each participant gets half an 8′ table to display their glass for sale. The table, lights and ability to take credit cards are all included in the $125 (you will need to pay the credit card company fee on any sales, and you will owe a commission to the Guild as well). Participants take shifts and work a common till so you don’t even have to be present all the hours of all 3 days

The prices for the 10×10 booths range from $400 to $475 depending on their location, and the 5×10 booth prices range from $250 to $350 depending on location. Note that all sales are subject to a variable commission rate depending on the number of volunteer hours worked by the artist or their partner or friend.

For more information on buying a booth, please go to the application information page. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Lesley Kelly or Carlyne Lynch. Booth sales are picking up so if you are thinking of doing the show, you should fill out an application and pay for the size booth you want as soon as possible. The deadline is March 15th. Booths are given out in order of purchase.

Do you live far enough away from Portland that you will need a hotel or somewhere else to stay? We have members who are offering to share their home with participants who need a space. We have 5 spaces and are looking for more. Please fill out the hosting form if you live in the Portland area and are willing to share your home with an out of town member. If you are from out of town and hope to stay with another member, or have any other questions, please contact Lesley Kelly.