Featured Artist: Shawna Hovey
Portland, Oregon

I started creating with glass in November ’08, after a bout with Breast Cancer, followed by Heart Failure. I realized that I needed to jump off the hamster wheel of my toxic and stressful life, into a life where I could live and grow into my best life. It was then, on a whim, that I turned into our neighborhood glass shop to inquire about taking a glass class. I took one abbreviated introduction class. Since then, glass has flowed from my soul, evolving into what it is today… scenic mountain, ocean and sculpted floral jewelry, as well as other wearable art. With that one class, I was on my way to Bliss…Creating with glass lit a fire that still burns brightly.
In fact, if I get too far away from my glass, my heart starts to falter.I am a glass fuser, creating primarily with dichro. I love its brilliance and how it inspires me to create. I don’t know what I’m going to create when I start. I get to watch what materializes, What I hear from so many is that my creations are like no other dichro work they’ve seen. I believe this is due to my shaping techniques, and finite attention to details… Details take time and patience, which I think many are not equipped with

You can make dichro sing, glow or scream with brilliant color; but,also, have it fall flat (lack luster) depending on the detailing of your cold work. Knowing when to stop is key.For me, it’s when the involuntary smile shows up on my face.What do I find most challenging with glass? The scariest, was having to drill my first hole into glass! But once I mastered that, it opened up a whole new world for me. That’s when I started sculpting glass into jewelry. I felt fearless! But, I had to pledge to myself, to never be devastated over broken pieces… ‘You can always make earrings’.

I have been a member of the Glass Guild in the past, and held office briefly. But, due to health reasons, I wasn’t able to continue. I don’t currently teach classes. But I do see it in my future if the opportunity arises. I’ve participated in previous Guild Shows. Though, this year, it dawned one morning when I arrived, looking around and breathing it all in… I have found my people! Generally, I’m an introvert, but being with ‘like’ beings, and creativity that abounds, I am my best self. There is nothing better than when creative minds collide! Exhilarating…Being involved with the Guild, it’s the Artists, creativity, and learning that I enjoy most.