2023: March Issue
Upcoming events: pnwglassguild.org/events/
(Bolded events are Guild sponsored)
17 Member Evan Burnett on Think Out Loud podcast from Oregon Public Broadcasting
25 General Meeting Zoom & Portland OR
3 Board meeting Zoom
15-16 Best of the NW art show Seattle, WA
28-30 Gathering of the Guilds, Portland OR
29-30 Art In Bloom studio tour, Seattle WA
3-6 Pilchuck spring tours, Stanwood WA
7 General Meeting via Zoom
26-29 Rose Festival display, Portland OR
2-4 Rose Festival display, Portland OR
9-11 Rose Festival display, Portland OR
9-11 Sorticulture, Everett WA
25 General Meeting via Zoom
member Ann Cavanaugh and sponsor Marvelous Mosaic submitted several classes to the calendar: check their websites for more details
- Featured Artists: Mitzi Kugler, Gail Haskett
- Gathering of the Guilds
- Newsflash: Evan Barnett on OPB podcast
- Rose Festival Display Opportunity
- President’s Message
- 2023 Board of Directors
- Welcome to our Newest Members
- Editors’ Spotlight: The Glass Guru, Inc.
- Spring is Just Around the Corner
- Which of these is You?
- Website Tour, part 5
- General Meetings
- Play Days: Having Fun Together
- Guild Notes
- PNW Glass Events, past & future
- Featured Sponsor: Creative Paradise Inc.
- Thanks to All Our Sponsors
Read the whole issue on the website:
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