Board Meeting Monday Feb 10th
For more info and the Zoom link see the event listing
General Meeting Sunday Feb 23rd, Zoom:
3:30 pm on Zoom: Organizing you glass etc. Almost all of us can all use some help in keeping our studios in enough order that we can find things. Please bring a tip to share if you have one. Details on the event listing
Participate in Gathering of the Guilds
Save the date to visit this free event April 25-27 in Hall D of the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. The PNW Glass Guild will be be there but will not have individual booths as in the past. Instead it will be a group booth of tables and a common till. Bullseye Glass will also have a booth. Plus there will glass demonstrations again. We will need volunteers for a few jobs: contact Lesley Kelly. For more info see the event listing or log in and go directly to the Registration Information for info about buying table space.

Member Shirley Bishop shows off
her frit organization method
Visit the Members’ Gallery
to see our glass on your screen. It’s even better in person: attend one of the many events on our calendar.
Selling glass, looking for glass etc.?
Fill out the Form for a “Classified” email sent to inform our members
Volunteer Opportunities:
Join one of the teams helping the Guild bring you more benefits. Some positions take only a few minutes a week, some are 1 to 4 hours a month: the teams
Give someone a year of membership in the Pacific Northwest Glass Guild. See the newsletter article for more info.